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港威豪庭的住户来自世界各地,经常游走於忙碌工作、照料家庭和生活享受之间。 物业的整个服务团队,凭藉专业及以客为本的精神,从小处出发,提供个人化的体 贴服务,全面照顾各住户日常大小事务的需要,目的只为给住户一个真正舒适无忧的家。


房务管理团队提供个人化的房管服务,除为每个房间提供一丝不茍的清洁服务外,每个房间均由一指定的房务员管理,确保房务员对住户的熟悉及保持高度私隐。 经验丰富的房务管理团队,竭诚为住户提供最亲切的服务,使房间有条不紊,住户生活更优悠自在。

专业可靠的保安团队,全天候保障住户的家居安全。采用最先进的出入保安系统,由专业护卫 24 小时监察。大部份保安人员均为持牌急救员,并已考获使用自动体外心脏去纤维性颤动器的专业证书,务求为住户提供安全可靠的私人空间,让住户真正安枕无忧。

优秀专业的技术支援团队时刻准备,为住户提供最快捷完善的家居维修保养服务。 一星期七天,每天24小时全天候为单位设备保持最佳状态,让住户真正享受生活。
I did look at other serviced apartments, but this is the best – view-wise, location-wise, facility-wise and service-wise. It's an easy lifestyle here. You don't have to worry about anything. In my job we stay in a lot of good hotels around the world, but none compares with this.
Patrick Koslowski
Patrick Koslowski
Superior fittings, superior facilities, superior harbour views, management and staff. On my birthday, the management sends up a bottle of wine and makes sure its staff knows enough to say 'happy birthday' – I can't tell you how touching that is. At the Gateway Apartments, everything is taken care of.
Steven Kahn
Steven Kahn
It really comes down to the complete package of convenient living. Our apartment is excellent. The staff and management are fantastic and we have all the facilities we need close at hand. We call the Pacific Club our 'oasis' and use the facility on an almost daily basis for eating and playing sport.
Klaus Feyler
Klaus Feyler
We never draw the curtains because the view is just so amazing. We feel at home here. Whenever we travel, we can just tell the concierge we will be gone for a week and know that everything will be taken care of. It gives you real peace of mind.
Rod Mackenzie
Rod Mackenzie